Join the BCFED Health & Safety Centre at their upcoming Migrant Farm Worker Event in Ladner on Sunday July 17th. The event will run from 12 to 5pm at the Ladner Baptist Church located at 5624 Ladner Trunk Road (Gym door around the back).
The BCFED Health & Safety Centre provides migrant or foreign workers with basic OH&S information on workers' rights and responsibilities, employer responsibilities, OH&S Committees, role of the WCB and hazard identification.
Migrant Farm Workers who participate in our programs are most interested in their OH&S rights. Many were surprised to hear they have OH&S rights and report they'd not been informed, prior to our sessions, that they have rights as workers in BC.
With the number of temporary foreign workers in BC expected to top 80,000 in 2016 working to inform these workers of their Health & Safety rights is more important than ever.
Download the Event Poster Here