201008PRGCME | Improving Committee Effectiveness PRINCE GEORGE

201008PRGCME | Improving Committee Effectiveness PRINCE GEORGE

Anna Dequito No Comment

We’ve heard from many Joint OH&S Committee (JHSC) members about their successes and their challenges. This course has been designed to allow participants to evaluate their JHSC performance, and develop the tools, resources and strategies to build on their successes and to tackle the tough OH&S issues at their workplaces.

In this course participants will:

  • Indicate key elements of an eff ective JHSC committee.
  • Identify barriers facing a JHSC and develop practical strategies and solutions to deal with them.
  • Understand group dynamics and stages of group development.
  • Practice how to solve issues and understand the dispute resolution process.
  • Learn how to assess JHSC activities and create a written evaluation.
  • Learn how to develop short and long-term goals for the JHSC for making changes to improve health and safety.

Note: New (Provincial) requirement for an evaluation process to measure the effectiveness of joint health and safety committees.
(Effective April 2017)

OHSR 3.26 Evaluation of joint committees (2) An employer must ensure that, with respect to each of the employer’s joint committees, a written evaluation is conducted annually by (a) the co-chairs of the joint committee or, with respect to each co-chair, the member or members of the joint committee designated by the co-chair, or (b) the employer or a person retained by the employer.  

Audience: OH&S Committee Members, Managers, Worker Representatives and Supervisors.

Prerequisite: Completion of the OH&S Part 1 course is required before taking this course.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
  •  October 8, 2020
     8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Event Location

NORTH - Courtyard by Marriott Prince George

900 Brunswick Street, Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, V2L 2C3

Account Holders

If you will be registering multiple participants (minimum 10) throughout the year you may wish to open an account with us. To do so please contact us at: +1-888-223-5669 or ohsadmin@bcfed.ca

Register Early