(Federal Jurisdiction)
On January 1, 2021, the standalone Work Place Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations came into force for federally regulated industries across Canada. Further amendments were made to both the Canada Labour Code and the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, with respect to occurrences of workplace violence and harassment. These new requirements include new reporting structures and timelines, responsibilities of workplace parties, as well as mandatory training for all employees.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completing of this training, participants will be able to:
- Identify the roles of workplace parties in preventing and responding to occurrences of workplace harassment and violence,
- Outline the procedures for preventing, responding, investigating, and reconciling occurrences of workplace harassment and violence,
- Identify the prohibited grounds for discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act, and risk factors for harassment and violence,
- Conduct a workplace joint assessment to identify these risk factors and monitor its implementation,
- Apply control measures to eliminate or minimize workplace harassment and violence,
- Develop and assess workplace harassment and violence prevention policies.
Audience: OH&S Committee Members, Managers, Worker Representatives, Supervisors and frontline workers in federally-regulated workplaces.